
禁酒コーチRachel Hartさんのポッドキャストから

Kara Loewentheil: Yeah. So when I became a coach, as like we were trained, the coaching tools that we were taught were primarily informed by, I would say, evolutionary psychology, evolutionary biology. Also cognitive behavioral therapy, which is where we get the Thought, Feeling, Action Cycle or variations of that. 

And if you think about talk therapy, I think the kind of primary assumption in talk therapy is that your emotional and mental experience is created by your family of origin, right? Your experiences when you’re a small child, your care, your relationship with your caregivers.
assumption 思い込むこと、決めてかかること。証拠なしに本当だと思うこと


 And I think both those things are totally true and are very big influences on how we think, but there’s a third whole influence on how we think that sort of before, you and I were trained and before I started doing this work, nobody was talking about. 

And that was the impact that society has on the way we think based on our different identities. 

So it’s not just about gender at all. All of us live in different identities. And you, for instance, a passionate nutmegger, very committed to your identity as a Connecticut born. 
nutmegger ナツメガーは、アメリカのコネチカット州の人々の愛称

For me, it might be that I’m Jewish, my family’s from New York, I’m, highly educated, I live in a fat body, like I have these different identities. And so we receive messages from society, implicit and explicit, about what people like us are like. “What are women like? What are women good at? What are they bad at? What comes naturally to them? What’s unnatural for them? What should they like? What should they not like? How should they look? How should they behave?”

And that happens for every identity we have. 

All of that messaging is getting sucked up by our hungry little brains when we’re little, because when we’re born, we don’t know anything. We have an instinct to nurse, to cry. That’s about it. 

We’re learning everything else we now understand about the world as adults, we’re learning as children. And that is a huge influence on how we think about ourselves. 

So I do think sometimes maybe one of the misconceptions when I say like feminist coaching is people think, “Oh, she must be talking about like my thoughts about gender.” 
misconceptions 誤解、思い違い

But think about your belief system around pleasure or your belief system around rest, or your belief system around productivity, or about parenting, or your belief system around dating, or about work.

All of those belief systems have been influenced by what society has shown you or told you people like you are supposed to be like, or are valuable, or worth. 

For example, women and men get socialized very differently around, “How important is it to be married? What is the role of romantic love in your life? What should your role in a romantic relationship be?” And all of that filters down or rather gets absorbed into our brains and it comes out just like our own thoughts. It’s just our own thoughts saying,

 “Oh, first dates are so awkward because I don’t know if they’re gonna be attracted to me and I don’t know if they’re gonna like me and then I feel really anxious and then I end up drinking to deal with my anxiety.” Like all that started with like the cartoon you watched when you were five and how it depicted like the prince and princess meeting each other. It’s like those things show up so much later. 

So understanding those influences makes a huge difference in our ability to understand what’s driving my behavior today.

Rachel Hart: Yeah and you talk about something in the book and in your work called, “The Brain Gap”, which I think connects to this. Can you talk more about this? Because when you first started talking to me about The Brain Gap, I could see how it actually influenced a lot of my early behaviors around alcohol.

Kara Loewentheil: Yeah. So The Brain Gap is the sort of gap between how women want to think and feel and how they actually think and feel. 

Men are more socialized to base their worth and value on their accomplishments, or they’re just assumed to have some for existing, right? More men just assume that their opinion on something is relevant or worthwhile, right? Without even any accomplishment or credential. 
assume 【他動】 仮定・想定・臆測・推測する
credential 【名】 資格、資質、経歴〔仕事・任務などの遂行に必要な〕

Women are socialized to believe that their value comes from how others perceive them essentially. Mostly sort of other people’s opinions of them and how well they live up to the social expectations for them. And so that produces this sort of brain gap that we experience as almost like a split brain where we want to think something, but we feel something different. 
perceive  目や耳などの感覚で気付く、見抜く

So we might hear a woman saying something like, “I know I should be confident because I have been a senior director for five years now and I’ve run this whole team in my company and we’ve created these outcomes. So like I should be confident, but I still feel insecure every time I go to a pitch meeting or I still worry that my boss is going to figure out that I don’t know what I’m doing.” 

There’s this gap between what we can see we want to believe or even seems like objectively true and the insecurity or the inadequacy that we feel. And that’s because we’ve been socialized to think this way about ourselves. And when we talk about it, we tend to say, “I think this, but I feel this intellectually know this, but I still feel this.” When you frame it that way, you’re just stuck because what, how are you supposed to bridge that gap? There’s nowhere to go with that.
objectively 【副】客観的に
intellectually 【副】知的に、頭では

Rachel Hart: Yeah.

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